Friday, December 10, 2004

I’m pissed I’m happy



So a good thing and a bad thing happened at work.

First the bad: I took a lateral promotion @ work. Yes this is a good thing however with it I lose my company car and gas card which I loved very much. The $ rewards better be worth it.
The good: Our building has offices on the outside of the area and an open area where the walls only go up to 4 feet in the middle. Upper management has the outside offices with windows that look outside and some that look into the center area where I work. My boss is right behind me and his office configuration makes it so he is looking at me all day long. So I feel guilty about getting online or if I just sit back in my chair for a minute and relax. But today he moved down three offices J I am kind of happy now. Not that I slack, I just don’t want anyone looking at my back all day long, let alone my boss.

So I guess for every negative there is a positive!

PS I have never seen Ted naked! I do not know why he is insisting that I have. Apparently he is checking me out, but I can honestly say NEVER has Ted’s naked body been seen by my eyes!!!

Moral of the story, always check the FULL package when accepting a new job. And NEVER CHECK OUT TED’S


Blogger Ted said...

You're a dang liar.

Sorry about the gas card. They didn't like the charges at Bed, Bath, and Beyond huh?

4:22 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Once I got really annoyed with this boy I work with and decided to send him an email expressing my discontent. I wanted to send an email that said…”you are a d _ c k”, but for some reason thought it would be much funnier to write “you are a …” and then send a picture of a d _ c k. So here I am sitting at work looking at all the dirty sites for just the perfect picture (it is really difficult to find one that is not attached to a body). When all of a sudden my computer screen up and went away. In its place in huge bold letters flashing across my screen?? PORN, PORN, PORN, PORN. I was mortified. I actually did one of those moves where you jump up and cover your screen with your whole body.

I turned off my screen and quickly called my I.T. guy, Gil, and told him I had an emergency and that I needed him to come to my desk immediately!! IMMEDIATELY. Knowing I was up to no good he gathered every single one of my co-workers and brought them to my desk. I thought I was going to die (yes you may be thinking turn off your computer… but it doesn’t work like that. I was on the meta-frame so it would still come back once I logged back in).

Ever since they have always called me “dick girl.” Fortunately they slur it sound it just sounds like d’girl.

Congrats on the new job...

Oh... and you are uninvited to dinner.

5:11 PM  
Blogger kacy faulconer said...

Cameron, not having your boss stare at you all day is very good for your feng shui.

Also, I don't hate you or delete your comments. In fact, I specifically mentioned you in a blog and asked you very nicely to e-mail me and send me your address so I could send you a Christmas card. I just thought you were boycotting me or something. Perhaps you are having technical difficulties. But now that I know you purposely ignored me on your "Scenes I wish I'd written" blog things might change.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Cameron H said...

So I do not get why Becca wanted to call that guy a duck?

2:08 AM  
Blogger Ted said...

Yep, that's me. I was a few pounds lighter back then. About 20. I'm gonna lose it.

The girl in the background with the camera who is obviously passing gas is my wife.

The guy to the right is our friend Ben. He's in Washington getting his ND, which is doctor of naturopathy. He once got very excited when a girl he liked touched his arm.

His sister Sarah, who is married to an astrophysicist who teaches at Harvard or Yale, is to the left along with his brother Ed, who is currently getting a Ph.D. in ancient studies from the University of Chicago.

Let's talk about Ed for a second. If there were ever any guy that Cameron would change teams for, it's got to be Ed. There was a time when Ed was all Cameron ever talked about. Ed this, Ed that. I'll tell you this; Ed is a total stud. He was voted most desirable male in our singles ward. Yes, some of the crazy people in our ward actually had a vote.

If you ever want to make Cameron smile, remind him of the time that he got to see Ed bathing in a kiddie pool full of oatmeal.

9:55 AM  

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