Mele Kalikimaka
Tis the Season
So as that old song goes, "It's the most wonderful time of the year" No not Christmas, it's ski season! Nothing is better then skiing. This is a picture of me skiing at Sundance, (The only place the Hills ski, don't know why). It was a blast, though I have something I do not understand about snowboarders. WHY THE ATTITUDE? Every girl up there on a snowboard was wearing the same thing. I long sleeve white shirt, with some cute little pink belly shirt over it. With something like "Princess" written on it. They were all wearing little beanie caps and pig tails. EVERYONE of them. On the male side the little 12 year old boys were being so cool F this and F that. Classy! Would make a parent proud! And that's another thing, do these parents have no control over there kids. I think that is a general problem in the world. Everyone is so worried about gratifying themselves, that there kids take second place. Maybe that's how I could make a million dollars. I could offer child punishing. Take some of that attitude out of these little punks!
But don't get me wrong, I love little kids. Though the odds are against it, I ended up with the 4 most beautiful, cool and fun nieces in the world. Nothing against anyone out there with kids, its just they take second place to my awesome nieces.
Sorry Becca, (and Kacy) yours are cute! But, the Graves and Hill girls..... can not be beat.
Well everyone, Mele Kalikimaka or have a Merry Christmas everyone!
PS, my new ski coat should be here anyday, please visit
to see it. I have not been this excited since I got my new couches
Now please do not comment on the flowers, YES I PICKED ONE WITH FLOWERS! I still have more tools then any male that reads this! And I can USE THEM!
If you have a problem with the flowers, JUST TELL ME! I am not a femminate. Being a single fellow, I find that the flowers so the ladies that I have a softer side, they love it.
That sounds about right, though Ted was a English nerd, but maybe he took Chem 105, OK, I will post a picture of him in my previous blog "I pissed, I am Happy" Go there and check him out. Who knows maybe thats him. (Hes actually from Springville )
You have to admit, my Ted sure is dreamy though huh? Makes you wish you were not engaged!
Did you just say, "My Ted"?
What color is your coat going to be? I looked at it. Very nice.
Cameron... STILL don't have kids... what gives punk? And your couches are girly!! Really really girly. Please refrain from making any purchases without my help. I was there when Christian and Kacy bought their couches and they are lovely... yours make me think you are gay and like to look at Ted naked. I personally don't find anything wrong with gay, but you do so I want to make sure you know what your couches are saying, what they are really really saying.
Ted looks like my friend Dick. Fascinating I know. But seriously, everyone needs a friend named Dick because if Dick has a friend like me the jokes are endless... like try telling everone that Dick knows... it comes off more like Dick Nose.
Where to begin.
2- Girly Couches , you have never seen then illuminated by the soft glow of a vanilla scented candle. They are stunning.
3-- Rebecca=no kids, I KNOW, I was talking about the nieces adn nephews DUH! Remeber Sam?
4-Kaycee you should wear the shirt and tell people you are Mormon but only during stake conference so you do not have to go to church. Or you could tell then not since the whole Three Mile Island diaster.
5-Kacy, the coat will be Lava/Tang (Yellow) I order the charcoal one, but that was because it was through Sundance and thats the only color, they had on the sale sheet, so I will take it somewhere and exchange it.
6-Kacy yes, My Ted, though I HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM NAKED, he's still my little buddy.
7- Gay, no I do not have problem , remember the Summer at the Sundance Theater, I asked a Lesbian out and she turned me down, and then at the end of the season the gay actor that played the mayor in the Music Man invited me to come stay in New York with him And told me we could go out, and have fun, and also that if I ever decided to well you know, he would be waiting? Of course it aint happening.
Cameron HAS seen me naked.
What is up with him and this whole naked thing? Seriously Cam, you've got some kind of complex about this. It's perfectly normal. We were changing into our bathing suits to get in the pool. I saw you sneak a peek once while I was staring at you. It's really no big deal! Stop freaking out about it.
By the way, did Megan choose your sofa?
It IS a litte effeminate. Flowers? Seriously?
Look how popular you are Cameron... I think it is the picture that has created such exposure...
cool goggles, lame couch
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