Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Origin of Man, a theory on our beginning and our disposition.

The big bang intrigues me . I find it fascinating. However, that not what my blog is about. That’s just a Kacy trick to get people reading my blog! Suckers.

I want to actually want to write about all the things I have done with Ed. (If you do not know Ed, well you simply must meet him)
I met Ed 5 years ago, it was at ward prayer, yes I went once. I was wearing my maintenance worker shirt from Harrah’s of Las Vegas. Brent and I had found them at the Savers in Vegas. The name on the shirt said “Ed S”
Well when I shoed up with that shirt, Ed about jumped on me and said, I MUST HAVE THAT SHIRT. Later that evening, I went with a new girl in the ward to a park, (after having stopped by Ed’s house to arrange a “date” with her and Ed. Well to make a long story short an hour later the girl looked at me and said, “You want to make out don’t you” (which I thought was silly, duh, you are a girl, and I am a guy, do the math). Wel needless to say, yep. The funny part about Ed is, is that he took her out 4x4ing the next night, and they ended up making out. We did not find this out till year later.
Ed is a nerdy brain. (He is getting a Dr’s degree at U Chicago)
Once Ed and I went canyoneering with my dad, and my dad went off this drop first, and told Ed he could make it with his pack on. So he tried, but slipped and fell about 10 feet face first into the mud, with the weight of his pack driving him deeper. I laughed, he bled.
One time Ed and Ted road in the back of my truck to Moab with a TV back there watching the simpsons the whole way. Another time Ed and I were driving to Escalante to hike and his truck broke down, so we slept in a horse coral, and when we woke up there was a bunch of old broke up video tapes that were some classic porn films.
Ed one time climbed the face of the BYU library to hang a huge AF (Air Force) Banner he had sewed on the front of our lawn, out of bed sheets. It hung for about an hour before the police took it down. He later tracked it down and went on a “tour of campus” and got to go to the top of the Kimball Tower. He hid with a fellow Air Force Academy Alumni and they hung the banner again off the top of the Kimball tower. Both times were because BYU was playing Air Force. He also backed an AF shaped cake and took it to President Bateman’s house and gave it to him.
I like to go out and visit Ed and his wife in Chicago. Last time I went, we went down town to get some famous Chicago style pizza. The restaurant was on a corner of two one way roads. Both were about 5 lanes across. He pulled into the corner and jumped out and told me to drive, his instructions were cut across these 5 lanes of traffic, and then hang 4 lefts and you will end up back here. So I started, but I only made it across 2 lanes before I hit the intersection, and I ended up having to go straight. I did not realize that going straight would put me on a freeway. SO now I have no clue where I am going, so I go for a few exits and get off thinking I can swing under the freeway and jump back on. Nope. I end up in the ghettos and I am shizzing myself I am so scared. So I drive around for awhile and pull up at a light, and there is a black guy next to me with the music cranked, and his car all tricked out. SO I roll down my window and yell to him, he rolls his down and I ask him how to get to the pizza place down town, he says he is heading that way and to follow him. So I follow him, then he starts taking me down so back roads, and then he stops him the middle of the road, does not pull over or anything I think, “I am going to die, he is going to kill me and steal Ed’s car” he walks back to me and says, “Hey little bro, I gots to turn at that next light, but go is going to go straight. Then at this street turn right, and if you gets lost again just axe someone down there”. Well I actually made it back and Ed was mad and told me I should not be playing around on the streets of Chicago.
Well that’s my Ed stories, there a whole bunch more. And most of them are actually a lot better (like the night we went dumpster diving at the Frito Lays plant and we got over 120 bags of chips out of the dumpster)
I finally broke down and gave him the Ed S shirt after a few years, just cause he’s a good friend.


Blogger Melissa said...

I read your blog, but am not a v. good commenter. Just wanted to let you know since I really appreciate all your comments on mine. Well, except the first few, but you have nicened up since then. Excellent stories with Ed.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

You remind me of a rat. A funny rat, but a rat non the less.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Ted said...

Funny that Becca says Cameron reminds her of a rat. Cameron once had a handlebar moustache that looked just like a rat . . . a rat that had crawled on his face and died. I recall I told him that often. Sorry if that hurt your feelings buddy.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Cameron H said...

The chicks love when I have facial hair!

7:21 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Cameron with a mustache? Cop Cameron?

10:37 AM  
Blogger Cameron H said...

No Porn star Cameron

2:35 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Ewe gross.

5:37 PM  

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